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Sandy Beach

Have you been looking for a Holistic and Effective Treatment for your Pain that is Stopping You from doing what you love to do every day?

We provide the Best Acupuncture, Chiropractic Care, Herbal Medicine, and Rehabilitation Exercises, embracing a holistic approach to pain management and overall wellness.

Our Services

Why Combine Treatments?

OUR BODY is a COMPLEX SYSTEM, and a ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL treatment model doesn't always suffice. Drawing from our experience providing health services since 2011, we've witnessed the variability in therapeutic outcomes.
INTEGRATING COMBINED TREATMENTS, we've found BETTER MORE SUSTAINABLE RESULTS at various stages of health conditions.
This approach often leads to SYNERGETIC EFFECTS and allows for PERSONALISED APPROACHES, resulting in comprehensive health HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS TAILORED TO INDIVIDUAL NEEDS.

Health Tool Box In Hand

Chiropractic adjustment
Herbal Medicine
Wet / Dry Cupping
Pulse Diagnosis
Joint Mobilization
Shockwave Therapy
Infrared Therapy
Rehabilitation Exercises
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